In effort to keep pace with our amazing growth in AutoHook customers and evangelists, HookLogic will be launching a webinar training series beginning in January.
The series will consist of at least one weekly live webinar, with each session concentrating on a different subject and oriented for specific segments of our audience.
New User Webinar
Every FOURTH Tuesday at 2:30pm EST - REGISTER
Every SECOND Thursday at 11:30am EST - REGISTER
This recurring webinar is meant for users that are new to AutoHook. In this webinar we will discuss the coupon redemption process, web overlay features and options, and best practices for web overlay users. It is recommended that all new AutoHook users attend this recurring webinar until you are comfortable with the process and all its features. There is one held on the second Thursday of each month and one on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Topics are the same between the two.
Advanced User Webinar
The 18th of every month at 11:30am EST - REGISTER
This recurring webinar is meant for users that are more familiar with AutoHook, using Web to Show and Lead to Show. In this webinar we will discuss best practices for for both products and for our Advanced Tools. This webinar is held once a month and is recommended for all AutoHook users interested in maximizing their experience with the web suite. Days and times will vary to help minimize attendance conflicts. The webinar will be re-scheduled when the 18th falls on an observed holiday or weekend.
Evangelists Webinar
The 1st Wednesday of every month at 1:30pm EST - REGISTER
In addition to these webinars there will also be a monthly webinar for product evangelists which include resellers, affiliates, and API partners that interface with our technology as part of their own product offering. This growing segment of evangelists must know about and understand the full capabilities of the AutoHook technology, how it is sold, and what sort of challenges and obstacles we encounter distributing and implementing the software to auto dealers, ad agencies, etc.
In addition to registering for the webianr series that is right for you, please also subscribe to our blog so we can keep you informed. Additionally you may connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates.