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Adapt or Die

The Auto Dealer's Digital Adaptation Survival Guide

If one thing remains constant in the automotive industry, it is that change is inevitable. Change will never cease to come along and disrupt the way we play the game. Just like baseball, dealerships and OEMs continue to introduce new rules into their playbook due to the inescapable realities of change and evolution. This eBook will provide automotive marketers with four vital rules that will give you the adaptation skills you need to prepare for the imminent digital disturbances of the future.


Auto Dealers and the State of Mobile Marketing 2016

The Next Big Disruptor Has Arrived...

Learn the state of mobile marketing in retail automotive today; what changes are coming down the pipeline and what actionable steps you can take now to prepare for a future where up to 90 percent of your customers will be driven to your showroom from their mobile device. Mobile customers expect to receive personalized messages and customized offers at the exact moment they’re in your neighborhood shopping for their next car. Give them what they want, when they want it and those customers will be yours.


Automotive Attribution

Measure the Impact of Your Marketing Investment

In the Internet age, changes come at dealerships so quickly, it can sometimes feel that in the time it takes you to get up to speed, you’ve already fallen behind. Big Data is available, but what do you do with it? Social media is huge, but how do you tap into it? SEO can have a big impact, but where does it fit in your priorities? It also gets confusing when the path-to-purchase is not just online or offline but a mix of both as consumers are influenced by email, social media, video, TV, billboards, direct mail, mobile apps, and on and on. In effect, more advertising channels means more ways to reach potential consumers, but also much more complicated analysis to determine if their investment is working. 


Marketing Attribution

Measure and Improve Your Marketing Investment

Today’s customer journey, from awareness to sale, happens across numerous touch points. A consumer may conduct research on one website, then move from a search engine to a blog to a review site, then click on an ad, all over the course of weeks or months. Your dealership brand may appear to a customer multiple times along their shopping journey, so how do you know what specific marketing effort leads to the sale? 

Marketing attribution is your roadmap to success.  


Conquest Sales

Why Conquesting New Vehicle Sales is More Important Than Ever

Consumers have access to more information now than any time in history, with the internet and mobile devices directly influencing their decision-making. This creates a challenge to retain your current customer base when they are ready to purchase a new vehicle. However, increased information flow also creates an opportunity for dealers and manufacturers to be a viable alternative for customers of entirely different brands.

Learn best practices around conquesting and ways dealerships can both increase their loyalty/retention rates and conquest sales rates.


Auto Responsive Design

Meet the Increasing Needs of Your Multi-Device Consumers

Despite the dramatic increase in mobile and tablet traffic coming to consumer websites, many companies, including car dealerships, are unprepared when it comes to having a responsive and mobile-friendly website. It is essential for car dealers to embrace responsive design practices in order to meet the needs of their consumers at each and every content touchpoint.

Learn the  fundamentals of responsive design as well as the benefits of producing a website which seamlessly adapts to the growing needs of mobile consumers.